The roadmap is not fully established and will be adjusted in the future depending on the success of the game with additional content, features, systems, language translations, and modes.

Anything added to the roadmap is something we plan to add with near certainty unless it is explicitly written that the line is volatile and may change under certain circumstances.

Blue is content not yet added, green means added to the game, and yellow is development comment.

Stage 0.1.0 to 0.2.0 is dedicated to finishing up the core systems listed below. Fixing all major bugs, establishing the setting of the game, adding content to the game since release to Early Access, and focusing on achieving the best possible performance while creating a dedicated to Penkura proper asset creation procedure.

||||||||||||||||| SYSTEMS |||||||||||||||||

◈ Remove of standard 10-slot Save system and implement a multi-layered save system, with the ability to self-adjust for future changes to the game without the need of resetting the game on each major patch.

◈ Implementation of v.6 LionsMat lowering the amount of disk space required to a minimum, and octahedrally projecting prerendered texture on 3d assets giving a wide range of scalability.

◈ Classical Dialog system with full keyboard and mouse support system.

◈ Mission system with the ability to migrate data of each mission and its variables between every level in the game.

◈ Classical Real Time Strategy System. (Top Down View building system).

◈ True First Person system, and semi-adjustable animation system.

◈ Bot Control and Early Version of Bot Command System.

◈ Multi-Layered self-calculated AI Navigation system with a self-adjustable map resolution system, to minimize performance usage.

◈ Build directly to the game a fully anonymous bug report system, with player location data, screenshots, and level data.

◈ Weather system that changes effects on main foliages, affects buildings, changes the behavior of AI.

||||||||||||||||| STRUCTURES |||||||||||||||||

◈ Hydrogel Storage

◈ Hydrogel Small Storage

◈ Oxygen Station

◈ Maintenance Station

◈ Small Residence

◈ Magnetic Wind Turbine

◈ Connector Type I Windowed

◈ Connector Type T Windowed

◈ Connector Type I Windowed Long

◈ Medbay

◈ Path Light (Wide)

◈ Post Light

◈ Ore Refinery

◈ Bio-Recycler

◈ Atmospheric Vaporator

◈ Atmo-Growbed

||||||||||||||||| FEATURES |||||||||||||||||

◈ Sleeping system (to skip nights)

◈ Positive and Negative Player Effects

◈ Bot Command System

◈ 3D Map System

◈ Melee Combat

◈ Data Installation system, allows the player to install Data Disk in Blueprint Repository to unlock new items, system improvements, and buildings.

◈ Small Metos Spawner

◈ Medium Metos Spawner

◈ Extraction of underground minerals by Ore Extractors or Hand-held Geological Extractors with a scanning system.

||||||||||||||||| ITEMS |||||||||||||||||

◈ Pener-07


◈ TRX Ammo


◈ MRT Fuel Rod

◈ Heavy Metal Bar

◈ Metal Bar

◈ Noble Metal Bar

◈ DMC Extreme

◈ DMC Neuron

◈ DMC Sour Acid

◈ Vivi

◈ Aqua Jelly

◈ Bio-Conainter Aequss

◈ Bio-Conainter Bilitor

◈ Bio-Conainter Ferox

◈ Bio-Conainter Ercore

◈ Bio-Conainter Dissol

◈ Bio-Conainter Curatio

◈ Bio-Conainter Biowaste

◈ Clips

◈ Data-Storage Pener-07

◈ Data-Storage Power Plant

◈ Data-Storage Ore Extractor Optimization T1

◈ Data-Storage Solar Panel Optimization T1

◈ Dynka ( Seedling / Matured / Overgrown )

◈ Subincar ( Seedling / Maturing / Matured )

◈ Med-Spray

◈ Knife

◈ Combat Knife

◈ Electric Baton

◈ Security Baton

◈ Vanduti Charm

◈ Seed Containers (Blufloir / Camubron / Gracheri / Subincar / Golden Malok / Arachnorex )

◈ Corporate Meal (Odo Flavor)

◈ Corporate Meal (Malok Flavor)

◈ Portable Geological Extractor

||||||||||||||||| UNITS |||||||||||||||||

◈ Metos Drone

◈ Metos Warrior

◈ Metos Feeder

◈ Oculus Bot

||||||||||||||||| LOCATIONS |||||||||||||||||

◈ Monorail Station

◈ Ancient city

◈ Archeological Base

◈ Epsilon Base

◈ Vanduti Villigase

0.2.0 t0 0.3.0 is dedicated to the main storyline content of the game, here we will focus on new biomes, missions, lore, world map, and world travel.
We will start to localize the game to Polish which is the easiest to maintain for the team and will create a base layer for other future language translations.
Stage 0.2.0 to 0.3.0 is the fun part of development as focuses on content rather than background systems.

||||||||||||||||| SYSTEMS |||||||||||||||||

◈ In-game programming language allowing players to program bots. (the same system will be used to control all NPC in the game).

◈ World Map Travel System.

||||||||||||||||| STRUCTURES |||||||||||||||||

◈ Research Module.

◈ Foundry.

◈ Neurocore Station.

◈ Armory.

◈ Buildable Walls.

◈ Buildable Gates.

◈ Turrets.

◈ Liquid Extractors.

◈ Gas Extractors.

◈ Landing Area.

◈ Bot Repair Area.

||||||||||||||||| FEATURES |||||||||||||||||

◈ Implementation of Bio-Implants to the player character, improving its performance.

◈ Implementation of addons to the player armor/suit.

◈ Ability to program bots in CCC.

◈ Driving Mechanics.

◈ Creation of Micro Bases in set-by-player locations.

||||||||||||||||| ITEMS |||||||||||||||||

◈ Heavy Construction Components

◈ Portable Micro CCC unit.

◈ Spike Rifle

◈ Plasma Thrower

◈ Power Lance

◈ Shock Granade

◈ Plasma Granade

◈ Granade

◈ Flare

◈ Signal Beacon

◈ Liquide and Gas Containers

◈ Bio-Ceramic

◈ Med-Gel

◈ Low-Intensity Radiation Material

◈ High-Intensity Radiation Material

◈ Explorer Backpack

◈ Standard Backpack

◈ Modular Backpack

◈ Heavy Duty Backpack

◈ Enhance Optics

◈ Security Armor

◈ Combat Armor

◈ Research Suit

◈ Engineering Suit

◈ Enhance Bio-Energy Charger

||||||||||||||||| UNITS |||||||||||||||||

◈ Command Bot

◈ Transportation Bot

◈ Sentinel Bot

◈ Metos Guardian

◈ Metos Larva

◈ Metos Queen

◈ Bot Transporter

||||||||||||||||| LOCATIONS |||||||||||||||||

◈ Vanduti City

◈ Dying Forest of Karenos

◈ Swamps of Karenos

◈ Wastelands

0.3.0 t0 0.4.0 focus on the creation of end game content, finishing the storyline, and implementation of new game type (scenarios).
Scenarios will allow players to semi-generate large areas for base construction with generated mission content and the ability to control nearly any aspect of game difficulty (from controlling how often it rains, to how many enemy raids players can expect) to tailor the game to player requirements.
Any content that was not created in 0.2.0 will be moved to stage 0.3.0.

0.4.0 to 1.0.0. This Stage will focus on the translation of the entire game to other languages. Depending on the success of the game we will translate it into as many languages as we can. We will also decide if co-op mode will be available before the game release or after as with the translation, everything depends on the success of the entire project. While the translation is ongoing by the third party (and possibly the community) we will dedicate the time to add content focused on enriching the overall game (additional voice acting, videos, and in-game art).

We will also provide a rough estimation of the full release.

The full release of the game.

At this stage, most of the work will be spent on bug fixes and updating the technology (to make sure the game will work for as long as possible in the future without much maintenance).

Depending on the success of the game we will debate on adding new content, translating the game to other languages (besides the one added in the 0.4.0 stage), and if possible adding support for other systems (Linux and Possibly Mac), we do not plan any type of console release at this time.